Spiritual Home - Im a Gapstander

Spiritual Home

What’s In a Home

The most important thing in your home is your family. Each one has a soul that will live for eternity. May be up to you as to where they live in eternity. Noah built and ark for the saving of his family Hebrews 11:7 and so can we.






A family living in harmony together with one goal–that all are cared for, loved and feel secure.

YOUR FAMILY is important to God and you. Children are treasures that will live forever. Allow nothing in the family that will tarnish their character, their personality, and especially their soul. GOD’S DIVINE DESIGN for your family is that none be lost. Jesus made arrangements in His Word for us to believe for each of our family members to become part of the family of God. God really wants our family to be a part of His Family. He will not make us, but He surely hopes everyone will choose to be a part of His Family. It is totally our choice.






HONESTY AND INTEGRITY are twins, they go together, where there is one there is the other. They are born out of the same heart. Family members feel happy and secure when there is honesty and integrity in the home. Family members working for one goal, peace and gladness flowing from one heart to the other.

Loyalty is powerful in a family and will build bonds nothing else can. Loyalty brings real trust between family members. Trust doesn’t come automatically, it has to be proven. Trust is an earned respect. Honesty and integrity are two things family members should always be able to see in each other. When they do, there is trust in their relationships with each other. No home should ever try to function without trust, honesty and integrity within its walls.






UNDERSTANDING may there always be plenty. When there is understanding, feelings don’t get hurt as often, and very few misunderstandings take place.  Understanding is finding out how the other person feels about the situation. Come to understanding by talking out, with patience and tolerance until each understands the matter.






FORGIVENESS Let there be plenty of forgiveness flowing. All families need an abundance of forgiveness just to stay a family. Forgiveness is a big role in communication of family members. It removes silence and makes room for communication, All grudges gone. Keep forgiveness there all the time.


The greatness to forgive warms the heart,
Feel release as forgiveness lives in your heart
Oh, the peace will grow and grow
As you walk in forgiveness day after day
How hard to turn loose the grudge from within
Walk in forgiveness as you walk in Him.
Hearts, lives transformed as you let go
Of the grudge from within
Peace, joy and love now flows
In place of anger, resentment and hate.
To forgive is great,
Will bring love within
Forgiveness warms the heart
As you walk with the Lord.
My offering to you is
Learn how to forgive
In due time you receive your reward
In the mean time
Forgiveness warms the heart.

Marie Moates






Communication is a vital part of family survival.
Without communication a relationship can not survive.
The I love you’s, healthy hugs,
and smiles are wonderful gifts to give to your family every day.



       You can’t buy it

               You can’t sell it

                     You can’t steal it


                                It’s no good to anyone…

                                        Until it’s given away!

                                                                                                                        author unknown

Smiles opens doors for conversation. Pass smiles around, give everyone, one so they will have one to give away. When you make a habit of this, your family will love being with you. They know those smiles will keep coming, so you will never
be a grouch. A smile and a frown cannot be on a face at the same time. May your smiles turn into laughter to bring a merry heart.






PRAYER Nothing takes the place of prayer in a family. There is no substitute for prayer. Cover your family always with prayer. Families who pray together grow strong in the Lord together. Prayer is not a ritual to make us feel better in a situation. Prayer brings lasting miraculous results.



Where did we come from? GOD!!

Where are we going? We are going back to God if we accept Jesus, God’s Son, as our Savior. That is up to each individual. We can spend eternity with God or without God.


If we were with God and we are going back to God, what is the purpose of this life? To get ready for the next life. The earth was created for us to live and make up our mind if we want to live with God forever or not. The choice belongs to each individual person, when he gets to the age of accountability. Jesus has prepared a place for us, more beautiful than any place on this earth, if we choose to live there.

                                                                                                                                               Marie Moates

It’s Jesus that the world needs today! 

He stands with open arms waiting for

you to receive and to believe He is Lord.


As the day is dawning, and the foggy midst
Rises from the city. You see the hurt as the
People pass by, you can see the tears in
Their eyes from an emotional wound,
There are hurting people all around.

What is the answer to this world’s problem?
It’s Jesus , It’s Jesus, Yes It’s Jesus.
Satan made the wounds,
But by the stripes on Jesus’ back
The hurting ones are healed.
So offer them Jesus, for He is the answer.
It’s Jesus, It’s Jesus, Yes It’s Jesus.

The Father knows when you feel trouble.
So if you’re hurting,
He is alerting someone to help you.
His name is Jesus.
It’s Jesus, It’s Jesus, Yes, it’s Jesus.

                                      Marie Moates


I’ve got

 my eyes on Jesus,

 my mind’s made up

Heaven is my home

 I’m walking everyday

 toward the  goal

Living as if  I’ll go today.

Earthly things I leave behind

 are not important, I’ll be in my

 New Home.

Spiritual things I leave my family are

The most important  things I can give

A heritage to know how to follow the Lord

When they get to heaven, their new home

They’ll say thanks mom for standing for the right

I appreciate you teaching me how to live for the Lord.

We’ll be together always, because the thing I thought important

Was to teach them about the Lord. Jesus gives me wisdom day by day

To teach my children the importance of touching Him. They will pick up the

Heritage to know how to follow the Lord.  Memories are wonderful they live for awhile

But a heritage to know how to follow the Lord lives for all eternity. One of the sweetest songs

You’ll ever hear is your children singing praises unto the Lord. They picked up the heritage knowing

 How to follow the Lord. Children are a heritage from the Lord, so mom leave with them the heritage

of knowing how to

Follow the Lord.

                             Marie Moates


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