Janice C. - Im a Gapstander

Janice C.


The first time I remember hearing of Standing in the Gap was early 1990’s. I was attending a women’s retreat in Springville, Al camp grounds. Marie Moates spoke about standing in the gap for our families. At the close of her speaking, she passed out small cards and ask everyone to sign them, saying we would be a “Gap Stander” for our family. I signed my card and stuck it in my Bible and went on my way, not giving it a lot of thought.

A few months later one of my children was facing one of the most difficult times of their life. I was praying for them one morning as I opened my Bible to read my devotion there was the little card. “I am a Gap Stander”. That means I can stand in the gap for them against Satan’s attack. How about that Devil!!!! I don’t have to tell you it made a big difference in their life and mine. That’s when I officially became a Gap Stander.

A couple years ago, Marie Moates spoke again on standing in the gap, and it was even better. I signed another card and placed it in my Bible (two is not too many, right?).

Lately, God has placed Gap Standing in my spirit. I don’t have to see the card to remind me anymore. Marie and I have talked about standing in the gap for our Family, Church and Country.

It is time for God’s people to stand with the full armor of God. In a day when people are stressed out and giving up, we must stand up for each other like never before in this evil filled time.

I believe Noah was possibly the first Gap Stander in the Bible. In a time of evil like has never been on earth before, Noah stood perfect in faith. It is not the culture we live in that determines our stand. It is the condition of our heart. We are all called to be Gap Standers. We must in these last days stand firm, perfect in our faith for out Family, Church and Country.

Thank you Marie Moates (a modern day Noah) for letting God use you.

Standing in the Gap

Janice C. – Alabama

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