Standing in the gap believing for your family's salvation

Standing in the Gap for Family Salvation

How to be

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Believing For Household Salvation

imagapstander Ministry

Marie Moates

Motivational Speaker For Christians

Learning how to get our families into God’s Family.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”
Acts 16:31

Acts 16:31 Works!

Do you have a loved one who has not yet received Jesus as Savior?

That’s what this site is all about!

Would you like to learn how to trust for their salvation?

Everybody needs JESUS as SAVIOR

So they can live with Him eternally!

My Family is a treasure
That’s the reason I do what I do
Standing in the gap, between the enemy and my family, no matter the circumstances. God will go the distance.  Acts 16:31 works

Come into the home of the gapstander–the mission: getting everybody you love to Heaven!

You can do that!
Making sure when leaving this earth they will be going to Heaven. That’s where ‘imagapstander’ comes in—we can be sure.

This ministry is all about saving families making sure they are in heaven together for eternity, not one member lost.

For more about standing in the gap visit: MY TESTIMONY

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